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Path of Neo E3 Preview

IGN takes a look: Okay I’ll admit it, I’m impressed. Shiny Entertainment’s The Matrix: Path of Neo looks absolutely fantastic. I’m talking “has the potential to go head-to-head visually with God of War” fantastic. And believe me, I know what you’re thinking: after playing 2003’s fun but obviously rushed Enter the Matrix, a brand new game from the exact same developer doesn’t exactly leap out at you — but trust me, if Shiny can do on the PlayStation 2 what it accomplished so effectively in it’s Pre-E3 event tech demo, you’ll change your mind in an instant.

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with Shiny Entertainment’s founder and President Dave Perry to discuss Path of Neo in preparation for next week’s big show in Los Angeles, and I walked away a lot more interested than I came in. And let’s be honest, it’s a lot harder for me to get excited about a licensed product these days when there’s a ton of great original content coming out each and every month, and even more difficult to get hyped up for the sequel to something I was disappointed in. But I’ll tell you, after spending an hour checking out Perry’s demonstration videos and listening to the types of things he has in mind, I can’t help but look forward to next Matrix game rather heavily.

In development for more than 18 months now, Path of Neo sounds like the game we all wanted Enter the Matrix to be a couple of years ago. Starting with the first film and working its way up to the end of third, Path’s main goal to emulate the movie in videogame form as closely as possible. More importantly, though, the whole thing is setup so that it lets player’s play as the trilogy’s main hero, Neo — the guy that Perry says everyone told him they wished they could play as in 2003.

But the idea of playing as Neo goes well beyond the simple use of a license and a couple of familiar locations, Shiny wants to get this exact. With that in mind, it has gone back in with Warner Bros. assistance and re-cut more than an hour of movie footage so that the story is told strictly from Neo’s perspective. So while the narrative is still the same as it was when we saw the films the first time, it’s only available through Neo’s perspective. Well okay, so maybe it’s not entirely the same… the Wachowski brothers have gone back and written a different and much more satisfying ending for the videogame than they did the film. Though just what that ending is, Perry isn’t saying.

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Thanks to ‘TrinityInfinity’

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