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In Remembrance For a Friend

This is to express my condolences. I never knew him, but I want this to me known. Please don’t drink and drive. It can ruin lives. Here is the report from Corona:

This month marks the one year anniversary of CA’s message forums. Over the past year we’ve had thousands of people register and post tens of thousands of messages. It’s allowed many of you to interact with other fans of the site, as well as myself and the other CA team. A great many of you have exchanged email addresses and become fast friends because of your love for movies.

Unfortunately, it’s my sad duty to report that one of our friends won’t be visiting us anymore. Allan, whom many of you knew by the pseudonym “Darth Tron”, was struck and killed by a drunk driver a few days ago. Word has reached us here and many of Allan’s online friends — people who never met him, but enjoyed his humor and intelligence through his frequent posts — have started a thread expressing their sorrow on his tragic passing.

If you’d like to also drop by and leave your thoughts, I’m told by friends of Allan that his family will be made aware of the thread and of the high regard people thought of him on the forums. He will be missed.


A Post from Darth Tron on The Matrix:
Darth Tron

For me, I here’s my list.
1) LOTR: The Two Towers. (The one I’m looking forward to the most. Big Time!!!)
2) SW: ep 2. (TPM was a bit disappointing but from what I hear I have faith in 2.)
3) T3 (If they get it out by then. Although I am worried if Cameron isn’t doing it.)
4) Spiderman (could very well be an awesome movie.)
5) Matrix 2 (not looking forward to this one much at all. I’m not a big fan of the first one, but I think this will suffer the same fate as TPM. The media will hype the hell out of it until it can’t meet everyones expectations.)
And before you guys start bashing me, no I don’t dislike matrix just because I am a SW fan. I just didn’t like all the slo mo crap in the fight scenes and I’m not a very big fan of alot of wire work. Just my two cents.
Click the SOURCE LINK below to go the the CA Thread.

Source: Corona Coming Attractions

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