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’47 Ronin’ Trailer: Keanu Reeves as The One

47 Ronin Official Trailer #1 (2013) - Keanu Reeves, Rinko Kikuchi Movie HD

The first official trailer for Keanu Reeves’ latest movie, 47 Ronin, has been released and it has some story elements that might seem familiar to Matrix fans.

In the film Keanu Reeves stars as an outcast who joins up with a group of Ronin that seek revenge for the murder of their master and banishment of their group. It is loosely based on a historical event in 18th-century Japan and is set to release on Christmas of this year.

The movie looks very intriguing to me, although a few elements of the trailer gave me caution such as the cliche exchange “I’m not afraid of you” “you should be.” However the fact that the woman then turned into a dragon implies that I might be over thinking this. In the end seeing Keanu Reeves in a role reminiscent of Neo will be fun so it is definitely worth keeping an eye on.

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