Monica Belluci – what is she wearing?

“The one who sees every scene they shoot” sends this report our way. Interesting stuff.. can’t wait to hear more:

just something the all the guys might want to know
about. Monica Bellucci wears a nice white/cream TIGHT
dress in a number of scenes, the dress is so tight
infact that she cant wear any underware!! this
combined with the high intencity lighting makes the
dress SEETHRU!! you can see her [Covering] straight
through the dress and it is nice :=0 but unfortunatly
no cinema goer will see it because as i tell you this,
the boys in the paint box suites are matting it out by
order of the producers :=(

Also pay close attention to anything that says “THE
BURLYMAN”. this is what all the official stationary and
orderforms from the production company have as the
eg.. Matrix 2 productions

The one who sees every scene they shoot
and will let you know of more matrix stuff when i have more time

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